Saturday, September 18, 2010

Swimming in Mercury

Where are you now when you’re not in the black, and not quite on white? 
No edges, just blurs and fades and blends.
There aren’t even noise but not all that quiet.
You dive in the deepest blues to resurface in cloud seas.
Not low enough, high but not that far out.
You swim then you fly but you’re never really there. 
You open your eyes and the search is elusive.
Eyes wide shut and it’s almost there.
You’re awake to a muted world.
Your colored world all too awake in your sleep.
And then you’re awake again and grasp the barely there outlines,
To find your colors outside the lines.
And your sunrise a mirage.
Not bright, no light.
An endless sea of gray.
Where are you now if not drowned in silver?

The Pathophysiology of Burning (He said)

I. Ignition & Contact
My heart was pounding from walking away from you
My heart was pounding from being burned twice
Burned by the thought of what I had to do
And burned by the scorching frustration from your eyes when I did
The emotions from your eyes at 44o hit my clammy demeanor
In my hypermetabolic state from being resuscitated from my first burning,
I am weak
My strength is gradually leaving me
I am weak
I cannot fight for us
Guilt and hurt is spreading all over my body
Spreading like tongues of fire licking me all around
Consuming me
Consuming me
With the intensity of your gaze, boring holes on my back,
I could feel it burning my tissues, necrosis not far behind
 Peripheral Vasoconstriction
I hid behind a pillar beyond your sight,
I hid not to be seen burned alive from you
Catching my breath as pain radiated from my body
I started to feel numb
A last resort to surviving the pain of the heat
I cannot move
I wanted to run back to you and beg for forgiveness
But I cannot move
We cannot be
 Blood shift
You want to fight
I saw it in your eyes
Yet when I spoke once more of the lies I needed said
You accepted
Your acceptance increased the severity of my burns
Reaching past the zone of coagulation all the way
All the way to the zone of hyperemia
After the many times I told you I love you, you believed
Now in response to this thermal damage,
My body decreased the blood flow of the burnt area,
My chest
Attempting to lessen the pain
I am losing
I am losing
But my body won’t allow it.
II. Oxygen Deprivation
The decrease in blood flow,
Resulting in decrease of oxygen,
Resulting in my suffocation in carbon monoxide
I need oxygen
I need my oxygen
I need you
Wheezing and coughing I am suffocating from my own decision
I drop on my knees,
Tears and sweat drying up as fast as they are pouring down
In this ball of fire I am trapped in,
I struggle to inhale even a whiff of you
But I can’t
I can’t breathe you
III. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation
Smoke from blue flames of frustration and hate from the world
Asphyxiates me as my oxygen runs out
Two choices
One end
Extinguish the flames
Or be incinerated
It doesn’t matter anymore because no matter which end
I cannot have her
I’m already in too deep
Charred and blackened
My body is still attempting to hold on
IV. Unconsciousness
The fire is almost calming
Lulling me to sleep
I feel…
I am beyond the pain now
I am numb
I am breathing poison
I’m seeping into darkness
Into the darkness of my toxic decision
I’m not that sure if I’m even really breathing
All I see is white spots
All I see is gray
All I see is black
All I see is the absence of you
V. Cardiac Arrest & Death
It’s over
We’re over
We’re really over
The truth of your absence overpowered me
It’s so strong
So strong that in your absence my heart stopped
There really is no more reason for beating
There is still time for recovery
My body is screaming at me
But at this moment, I won’t let it
I had enough
In six minutes or less my brain will die,
I will die
Finally succumbing into the flames
I’m letting go
If you would only tread the waters I allowed you to see and see my reason
Really see,
Then scour from my ashes as confirmation of truth,
Then there we might find redemption.

The Pathophysiology of Drowning (She said)

 I. Submersion (Mammalian diving reflex*)
Cold was unwelcomed by my overheated cheeks
Cold as your words at 18hit my face,
At once my rapid heart slowed in response
Slowed as if in anticipation of my demise in the surrealism of the situation,
Slowed as acceleration decreased dramatically in my spinning world
That cold splash left me frozen,
I didn’t even realize I was falling,
Almost completely submerged

Peripheral Vasoconstriction
The slow pumping of my heart, the triggered effect,
A last resort to surviving the depth,
I couldn’t feel my feet, my arms, my hands…
I struggled to walk or at least reach out
But my body won’t let me,
So I stood frozen
A last attempt at self-preservation
Blood Shift
Breathe in
Breathe out
That is what I have been reduced to do
I could feel the blood rushing,
Rushing to the region of my chest between my neck
And diaphragm
To prevent my poor lungs from collapsing,
I am losing
I am losing
Yet my body still fights
II. Oxygen Deprivation
You were my oxygen, the air I breathe
As I watched you walk away I hold my breath
I hold my breath to try to access what air is left
I panicked,
I struggled at the suddenness,
But this voluntary apnea wouldn’t last long.
My body won’t allow it.
But I try anyway,
I was never a fatalist
The concept of ‘you and me’ used to be as easy as breathing
Now that ‘you and me’ doesn’t exist anymore,
Even something as natural as breathing is hard

III. Water inhalation
Two choices
One end
I could swallow your words and my pride along with it,
I could cough out all the spite, all the frustrations, all the hurt,
Just so I don’t drown
But either way, any choice would only quicken the drowning,
Quicken by unintentionally inhaling more water
Either way, it’s too late
I’m in too deep
The hurt of the situation has entered my airways,
Seeping in, flooding me
My body attempts again to sustain me
Blocking the hurt,
Slowing the drowning
IV. Unconsciousness
The lack of oxygen to the brain,
The lack of my brand of oxygen,
Would eventually render me unconscious
I am already cold
I am already numb
I am already tired
Sleep is welcoming
My vision is blacking out,
I see spots of white,
I see gray,
I see black
What I don’t see,
Is you
 V. Cardiac Arrest and Death
You’re gone
You’re really gone
The truth of your absence overpowered me
It’s so strong
So strong that in your absence my heart stopped
There really is no more reason for beating
There is still time for recovery
My body is screaming at me
But at this moment, I won’t let it
I had enough
In six minutes or less my brain will die,
I will die
Finally succumbing into the water,
I’m letting go
See the irony
I’m drowning in deep,
I’m drowning in the subterranean of my reasons,
I’m drowning in your shallow waters of reason.
It’s amazing how you still manage to take my breath away,
In more ways than one.

30 Minutes to Sunset

I am not a sun-worshipper.
Yet I can’t avoid its taunting glare at noon
as it seeps its scorching rays through the blinds,
or glows in maddening blaze behind curtains,
making their patterns, reverse shadow puppets.
The steady glow dims then turns on as if
10,000 watts empower it in its attempt at mocking
As scarce clouds pass by, the sun hides,
Perchance laughs
Then back again to wreak its intoxicating rage stimulation
Brows knit
Sweat pours
The low hum of the air conditioner offers small comfort
Only cooling the coals of unsettling somewhat
You try to sleep away this afternoon war
Else rage displaces
Creeping away from my dark veiled room
I can’t help but take a second glance at the hallway
And surrender…
Surrender to the forgotten unexpected
Grandeur of gold
Not brilliant
But soft
Soft gold
A peace offering?
Or another mock gesture?
I am not a sun-worshipper
But I feel bittersweet for sunsets.

Paper[cut] Cranes

“You have to cut that part out. It shouldn’t be there anymore.”
The deepest cuts aren’t skin deep,
nor do they even graze the surface.
But the pain is physical.
Definitely physical. 
It’s the straight-to-the-gut-heart-wrenching-stomach-twisting
fall-on-your-knees hurt.
And by cut, it doesn’t even pertain to scratches or wounds.
It’s more of the slicing-out of a huge chunk of you.
And even when that’s gone, the pain lingers.
In gestalt viewpoint, your body looks for completion,
- a phantom limb.

“Keep that part in, so this faces outward. That’s what it should look like.”
You’re left with an ineffable loss of direction.
You want to keep it all in,
to just crawl inside a hole and disappear.
Yet you also want to scream your bloody lungs out.
You crave silence, you just want everyone to shut the fuck up.
But you also want to drown in noise and raves.
Leaving you in bipolar disarray,
what do they want to see?

Tuck & Pull
“Push in lightly just like that. Then take this out. Gently, gently…”
No one really leaves you alone.
You want them to.
And you don’t want them to.
What the hell are you supposed to do now?

Smooth out
“You’re almost done. It’s looking good. You’re doing great.”
They tell you you’re doing great. 
They tell you, you don’t look like crap.
They tell you, you look like crap.
They tell you, you look like crap but fixable.
What do I tell myself?
This hell doesn’t seem to end, but I’m trying.

Add the I’s eyes 
“Make it alive. Then, you’re done.”
I’m trying.
I’m trying to make this stupid paper crap.
They say if you make a thousand paper cranes,
you get a wish.
So far I have 300 papercuts,
578 crumpled crane hybrids in the trash,
and 0 cranes.
You should’ve known better before you did this.
I suck at origami.
But I try anyway.
I don’t know what to do anymore,
that I turn to folding paper,
wishing you would appear.
Laughing bitterly, I ask
how come paper can be animated to live?